Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I was so sure that i would be good at this....

So when I first started blogging, I thought for sure that I would be pretty consistant with it because I am pretty good with keeping a journal. As it turns out, Im not as good as I thought, AND I've been slacking on my regular journal now as well!
So here I am trying to get back in the groove of things...
Well School is out for the semester and summer is here and being enjoyed!;p I did really well last semester and I must say that Im very proud.... and expremely surprised at the grades I earned. I had two A's and two B's.... Physics is what surprised me the most!!! B-!!!! ;p I worked hard but still felt like I was getting my butt kicked because I was just never happy with my test scores. Apparently, I did better on my final then I thought!
Still Jobless.... But friday I do have an interview with California Family Fitness!!! The day I went to turn in my application, my car decided to literally blow up on me! It over headed just two miles from my home. I pulled over to check the water and noticed that the radiator wasn't even hot. I called my dad and he said that I needed to get water directly into the radiator in order to get it home, and becasue it was warm I should take off the cap. He said to be careful and keep my face and arms away from it as the water would be hot and would burn me. I, of course, thought I knew what I was doing and quickly popped off the cap. As I did so, the pressure flew the cap into the air and radiator fluid shot out like a geiser and flew all over me, my face, eyes mouth and clothes! I FREAKED! The water wasnt hot, so I wasn't burned, but I was standing there waiting for my eyes or skin to start burning from the fluid.... no sting came. I was soooooo blessed to have walked away from this mess unscathed. It is definately a blessing and could have turned out horribly wrong. A nice lady filled my water bottles and I was able to get the car home. We still have no idea what is wrong with my car. My dad changed the thermostat and flushed the radiator but it was oddly still overheating when in idle and I check the water every morning before I drive it and find that it has lost water. Sometimes a little water, sometimes quite a bit. Who knows what will happen.
Currently Im house sitting for the parents in Galt. The pool has been nice and working for Derek's window business has been a blessing. I totally cleaned the house and oddly find it hard to keep it clean even though its only me and Steph here this week....... Honestly Steph.... Is it that hard to put your crap in the dishwasher or hang up your towels?!?! Kills me! Im not exactly a clean freak, but seriously, the house should not be hard to keep organized when only two people are here.
Ok, enough ranting from me. Wish me luck on my interview... I really hope I get the job! It would be so awesome to work there!
TTFN~ TaTa For Now ;p

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